New York Gov. Cuomo Calls ICE “A Bunch of Thugs”

In a debate with challenger Cynthia Nixon for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared, “New York is the state that is suing Donald Trump for ripping babies from the arms of their mothers, saying we will not cooperate with ICE they’re a bunch of thugs. We said we will sue them if they violate any criminal laws in the state of New York.”

Cuomo is fighting an unexpectedly strong challenge from the former “Sex in the City” star, who is running to his left. Nixon was one of the early backers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Socialist who upset long-serving incumbent Joe Crowley in her congressional primary earlier this summer.

Whether Cuomo’s political pandering is good politics or bad politics is irrelevant. (It is more likely the latter. Even in solid blue New York people have not lost their minds.) What is important is that that sort of rhetoric from a sitting governor is dangerous. When the governor of New York labels a law enforcement agency as “a bunch of thugs,” he is almost inviting violence against the men and women who serve in ICE.

Gov. Cuomo is free to protest against any federal policies he finds objectionable. That is his right as a citizen. He’s even free to waste the taxpayers of New York’s money with frivolous lawsuits over matters that are under the federal government’s control. What no responsible public official should have the right to do is endanger the lives and safety of duly empowered law enforcement officials by labeling them “thugs,” because he thinks it will help him win votes.

About Author


Ira joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant to Gov. Richard Lamm (Colorado), and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.


  1. avatar
    One Who Bailed From NY on

    Cuomo is just another… Cuomo. Meaning a pile of cr_p that should be shoveled up and dumped in the toilet, flushed down the sewer lines, and into the septic tank with all the other excrement there.
    Frankly, he doesn’t even rise to the level of “thug” since it is implied that a “thug” is a member of the genus Homo Sapiens. Meaning a human.
    I wouldn’t stop to help him if he were standing on a slippery rock in the middle of a tank of excrement that came up above his mouth.
    More likely I’d take a stick, a very long one, and give the rock a nudge.

  2. avatar

    Nothing really surprising. The Democratic party has been on a long crusade to undercut law enforcement. Obama did it right from the beginning in 2009 when he said, after admitting “not seeing all the facts”, that the police “acted stupidly” in the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates. And in every subsequent event he never waited for the full story before taking the side of some thug like Michael Brown who robbed a store, assaulted the clerk, and tried to wrestle a cop’s gun away, even sending “representatives” to his funeral. No surprise that race relations worsened considerably during his administration.

    As extreme as Cuomo’s words seem, they pale in comparison to Congressman Ruben Gallego, {D} Arizona, who this week said: “If you are a US government official and are deporting Americans be warned. When the worm turns you will not be safe because you were just following orders.” Probably a statement, along with many others, that Republicans should consider running in their campaign ads. By the “worm turns” he clearly means if the Democrats return to power.

    Yet another orgy of adulation today in the never ending spectacle that the humble maverick McCain arranged for himself. The thing is that the media decides what the truth is at a particular time. In 2000 McCain was noble and good because he took on Bush, was a racist when he ran against Obama, and now is the greatest thing ever. Just like Romney was a woman-hating racist in 2012 against Obama, and then in 2016 was the shining example of everything that the GOP should be, as opposed to Trump. Stay tuned for next week’s media spin.