Sen. Reid Pressured DHS Over Investor Visas for Casino

Sen. Reid Pressured DHS Over Investor Visas for Casino

“The Obama administration overruled career Homeland Security officials and expedited visa applications for about two dozen foreign investors for a politically connected Las Vegas casino hotel after repeated pressure from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his staff, according to internal government documents obtained by The Washington Times,” the Washington Times writes.

“The move to overturn what is normally a non-appealable visa decision came despite concerns about “suspicious financial activity” involving some of the visa applicants from Asia, and it ultimately benefited several companies whose executives have donated heavily in recent years to Democrats, the documents show. It also ensnared Mr. Obama’s current nominee to be the No. 2 Homeland Security official, Alejandro ‘Ali’ Mayorkas, whose appointment is to be reviewed by the Senate on Wednesday.”

Amnesty Supporters Plan Last Push Today

“With [amnesty]off the table in 2013, activists are planning to converge on Washington one last time to pressure lawmakers for action – and assure them they’ll be back next year,” CBS News reports.

“Advocates of a reform bill that want to see a pathway to citizenship for the roughly 11 million immigrants living illegally in the United States have gotten more aggressive in their efforts to convince the House Republican leadership to put a bill to a vote, stopping by their homes, offices and even breakfast spots, uninvited, to visit and pray. They’ve even heckled President Obama, who shares many of their objectives, asking him to unilaterally halt deportations.”

House Judiciary Considers Worker Plan

“John Boehner gave the House Judiciary Committee more power over immigration legislation than it has had in years when he announced last month that the House would not go to conference with the Senate on its comprehensive immigration bill,” National Journal writes.

“The House speaker’s statement gives the committee free rein to put together an immigration package on its own schedule and terms without the pressure of matching the Senate bill, something of a rarity at a time when many major issues are grabbed up by the chamber’s top leaders.”

Why Did Biden Say His Ancestors Were Illegal Aliens?

“Perhaps Vice President Joe Biden was trying to give respectability to today’s illegal immigrants by proclaiming his own ancestors to have been illegal immigrants, too, when they fled the Irish potato famine of the 1840’a. Trouble is, the Vice President’s claims are simply not true,” says Jan Ting, now a law professor at Temple University.

“We all need to pay more attention to immigration history as it colors the perpetual debate over legal and illegal immigration. For the first century of the American republic, there were no limits on immigration. Anyone from anywhere in the world was free to come here. Indeed, our labor needs were so great that people who didn’t want to come here were forced to come here against their will in grotesquely cruel circumstances in the first half of our first century.”


About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    Isn’t Harry Reid great? He and pelosie were two of the Obamacare heavy weights that planned the legislation that is now destroying America’s health system. Pelosie actually had the guts to get on TV and say we need to pass amnesty just a week after the obamacare debacle came to light. Harry Reid is a corrupt incompetent slug who would sacrifice his first born in order to hand amnesty out. Perhaps you had not heard, but most of these illegals will be likely democratic supporters.

  2. avatar

    I totally agree with what Leland wrote above. Also, to allow massive new iimmigration, when so many americans are out of work and looking for jobs is a sure way to destroy our system and our freedom. Perhaps this is what is intended.

  3. avatar

    Of course they did……………………..did yo live in the 19th century? were you there then?……………………lots of things happen in the past you nor I know about….guess what the same thing all times difference = technology and how stupid we are no matter what century……

  4. avatar

    What total spin by Biden, but not unexpected. People did not come here illegally in the 19th century, although some who did come were excluded. But if you were the normal working person who was not going to be a burden on society you could stay.

    First of all the numbers per year were FAR smaller than now, and they came to a country of far less than a hundred million people. Many worked 6 days a week 10 hours a day.

    Second, and most important, those poor people described on the Statue of Liberty did NOT come here and have a child at taxpayer expense, and then be eligible for all kinds of welfare programs for their US born children. They supported themselves. Allowing the undereducated lower classes of another country to come here is not a formula for success when you reward them with taxpayer money. We are digging a deeper hole by continuing to encourage it with amnesty.

    • avatar

      amazing at how blind u r……………………………….there has always been freeloaders no matter what century…..your beliefs are very limited…which makes sense……

    • avatar

      Yes Leland

      My dad’s father came here “LEGALLY” from Sweeden in the 19th century…..moved to N Dakota then….there was practically no one in that state at the time.