Reid Says Boehner Will Cave on Amnesty

Reid Says Boehner Will Cave on Amnesty

“Acting in his usual, completely inappropriate behavior, Harry Reid once again took on the Speaker of the House with his latest statements on immigration reform. In a threat-like statement, Reid said that if Republicans ever want to see a president from their party again, they will sign on to an immigration reform deal,”

“Well excuse me! Reid then went on to claim that many Republicans don’t care about immigration reform because they come from districts with fewer minorities. That seems to be a very broad statement Mr. Reid. Reid seems to believe that there is going to be so much pressure, the Republicans will have no choice but to cave and approve the measure. I guess Harry Reid forgot about how bipartisanship.”

Amnesty Lobby Attempts to Mobilize Women’s Support

Immigrant rights and feminist organizations are coming together in an attempt to reframe immigration as a women’s issue, which they hope will redefine the fight over changing the nation’s immigration laws, writes.

“‘Saying ‘a vote against immigration reform is a vote against women’ is dishonest and insulting,’ said Kristen Williamson, spokeswoman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which promotes policies that reduce immigration. ‘In reality, a vote for amnesty and increased immigration is a vote against the American worker.,'”

“Although household workers – many of whom are immigrants – began organizing as part of the feminist movement in the 1970s, a comprehensive case for immigration as a women’s issue was not made until 2010, when Jayapal collaborated with feminist icon Gloria Steinem to write an article linking the issues.”

DHS Hiring Amnesty Advocates

“Despite the sequester, the Department of Homeland Security has just completed a hiring blitz of attorneys to oversee and manage immigration litigation. Almost all of these new civil service attorney hires hail from an activist pro-amnesty and pro-asylum background. Sources within the Department of Homeland Security report that the process for hiring these new career civil service lawyers was unconventional and was conducted by an Obama political appointee within DHS,” says J. Christian Adams at

“The new attorneys have activist backgrounds with a variety of pro-amnesty groups such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the Advancement Project, and open borders groups funded by the Tides Foundation.”

Obama’s Payback to Silicon Valley Billionaires

“Is President Obama’s push for more STEM grads and increased H-1B visas payback to the tech companies that got him re-elected? It seems possible. While the likes of Google and Microsoft have been sounding alarms over a shortage of technical workers, other research indicates that in fact we may have too many college graduates with degrees in science and math. Critics charge that Silicon Valley has promoted the shortage myth to gain support for policies — like those promoted by the president — that ultimately aim to keep a lid on tech pay,” says Liz Peek at the Fiscal Times.

“They argue that there are hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists without jobs, and plenty in the pipeline. Others, including Obama, claim the opposite — that we face a looming shortage of the tech-savvy graduates vital to keeping the U.S. competitive in the years ahead.”

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.

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