H.R. 1417: Similar to the Senate Amnesty Bill

H.R. 1417: Similar to the Senate Amnesty Bill While the mainstream media was focused on passage of the 1,200 page Senate amnesty bill (S. 744), committees in the House of Representatives passed several pieces of legislation aimed at revising our immigration laws. Indeed, in the last two months the House Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees have already passed five bills: H.R. 1417 (border security metrics),  H.R. 1772 (E-Verify), H.R. 1773 (ag amnesty and guest worker programs),  H.R. 2131 (to increase the number of “high-skilled” visas) and H.R. 2278 (interior enforcement).

Although the House is approaching immigration reform in a piecemeal fashion, some of these pieces of legislation making their way through the lower chamber should nonetheless raise alarms. In fact, H.R. 1417, the Border Security Results Act of 2013, contains provisions similar to the Senate Gang of Eight bill. 

Introduced by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) the language of H.R.1417 is virtually identical to portions of the Senate amnesty bill, and shares many of its flaws. The bill is also co-sponsored by several senior Democratic Representatives, including Jackson Lee (D-TX), Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Henry Cuellar (D-TX).

Read the summary of H.R. 1417 below or download the PDF.

Update: Breitbart.com reports that both FAIR and the Heritage Foundation have issued warnings on H.R. 1417:

The Heritage Foundation and the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) are both critical of McCaul’s bill. Heritage notes it “calls for misguided border security metrics and potentially opens the door for amnesty.”

FAIR denounced the bill, saying, “It is important to note that, like the Senate amnesty bill, H.R. 1417 does not require that DHS actually obtain situational awareness or operational control of any part of the border. It only requires DHS to submit a plan for doing so.”

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  1. Pingback: Dems Debut Pelosi Amnesty Bill

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  3. avatar

    It’s evident that the bill is going to face major hurdles in the House. Both parties agree that reform is essential. It’s just a matter of getting on the same page, which could be difficult if not impossible.

  4. avatar

    Is there NO limit to the shameless lying that goes on with this issue? I saw Speaker of the House Boehner on CBS on Sunday morning. He said of 11 million illegals that 40% came here as, quote unquote, “legal immigrants”. Is he kidding? They are here illegally because the visa they were admitted with had a LEAVE date, which they agree to before they get the visa.

    I mean really, these are the people that say trust us?

    • avatar
      John Winthrop on

      Leland they the people that for sure do not trust us…it is the other way around………..they keep on enacting laws The People do not enforced. By now you would understand this………………..amazing!!

  5. avatar
    Diana Reichardt on

    These gentlemen are wasting time and money with all of this. They need to enforce our laws as they are now written and send the illegals home. They can come to our country the right way and respect our country’s laws or stay where they cane from. j No amnesty. Strengthen our borders!!!

    • avatar
      John Winthrop on

      Diana my apologies in advance…yo are such brainless citizen/American…….THE PEOPLE enforce the Law and back up congress ULTIMATELY>>>>>

      • avatar

        The “people” have NO enforcement powers AT ALL. That is the responsibility of the designated authorities. You need to catch yourself up the speed before you criticize others.

        • avatar
          John Winthrop on

          Leland ……………what did you say??? “The “people” have NO enforcement powers AT ALL”…….I have news for you … you live in a different country but NOT the USA……………amazing………………….The People has no enforcement powers??????….go and learn our history to see if you really become a real American…..

          If you are a Republican……….they should be ashamed……………..

      • avatar

        John, sounds like you’re not an American citizen at all. Americans want our borders secured against illegal immigration, as polls regularly show. Moreover, it is up to the EXECUTIVE BRANCH to see that laws are enforced. Do you really think we should have millions of George Zimmermans out there “enforcing” laws?
        By the way, if the people are so important to the enforcement of the law, well, illegal aliens should look to themselves as the reason why their own countries aren’t fit to live in.

        • avatar
          John Winthrop on

          ali….understand and learn our history………..I have no idea from what part of the middle East you come from……….

  6. avatar

    I’m Sorry

    Without E-verify implemented NOW, most of this is just useless “smoke and mirrors” by open border Republicans.

    How about take this money and put our REAL furloughed Americans back to work this Summer?

      • avatar

        Yes John

        We need it NOW, not a years later “hotair” promise, you know they’ll break.

        We need to make sure the E-verify process captures and reports Social Security Number identity fraud; something the employers “need to do” to avoid lawsuits against them in the future…..its coming John….remember the McCarthy Communist witch-hunt and politicians prosecuted, this similar, MUCH BIGGER. The foreigners owning our organised companies will soon be rotting in jail, if this is implemented honestly with law enforcements.

        John, if you own a company with probable IAs mixed in talk to an attorney now! Ignoring my advice may put you in prison soon too.

        We agree on this issue 🙂

        • avatar
          John Winthrop on

          SWE you are a funny fellow……………you think in one way only ……………after all my feedback by now you should realize in my field there are no IAs…………

          It is interesting and yet so easy to come up w/ a solution regarding immigration that everybody contradicts each other….

          Indeed E-verify is ONLY a part, it needs about three more parts and then we would not need a wall for sure……….I believe I gave a solution long time ago in the old website………………..yet.

          Do no ever get offended if I answer u in a way you might fell so….I just answered the same way you do…..