AFL-CIO Now Bullying in Spanish

During the amnesty rally on Wednesday, the Financial Times reported that the AFL-CIO’s Ana Avendano declared:

Politicians know that if they stand in the way of citizenship we will steamroller them. That’s a fun evolution.

That’s a strong statement to be made from the director of immigration at the country’s largest labor union. Realizing that our supporters and activists should hear about the current environment surrounding the immigration debate on Capitol Hill, FAIR posted this graphic on our Facebook page.

AFL-CIO Steamroller Politicians Against Amnesty

On Friday afternoon, the AFL-CIO doubled-down on Avendano’s statement with a tweet from their official AFL-CIO Latino account:


Yes, @FAIRImmigration, we’re going to steamroll opponents of #citizenship. Thanks for the free publicity. #timeisnow #1u

A few minutes later, they sent the same tweet translated into Spanish:



Regardless of whether this was bullying, a threat or a promise, Americans should hear what’s being said by the pro-amnesty lobby and see the immense pressure they are exerting on Congress to give into their demands.

The anticipated legislation from the “Gang of Eight” could be up to 1,500 pages long. With efforts to rush this bill through Congress, the American people deserve to hear an open debate and committee hearings on the details of the not-yet-released legislation.

Furthermore, the AFL-CIO’s website claims that they represent 14.8 million Americans who are members of labor unions. Statements — issued repeatedly over the course of several days — that they plan to “steamroller” those who support defending our borders and enforcing current laws, should alert the American people to how seriously pro-amnesty forces are taking this legislation.

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  1. avatar

    I wonder if they’re publicizing their support for amnesty in my home state of Michigan. Somehow, I don’t think it will go over well with the many unemployed blue collar workers in the state. Or with me–I’m from a union family and was a union member myself until the union started pushing amnesty. From what I’ve read, they’re doing all their bullying in states with heavy illegal alien populations.

  2. avatar

    Why do we even want so called citizens whose very presence in this country has been a series of decisions to break the law. Whether crossing the border without permission, overstaying a visa, working without legal permission through stolen or made up Social Security numbers, obtaining IDs that require them to state they are legal residents, it’s one lie after another. And we are supposed to believe when they raise their hand and swear to uphold the Constitution of this country, they are not the same scammers they have been up until then.

    • avatar

      I Had a Bad Experience With One of These New Foeign Add-ons to America This Weekend

      I pulled into get gas and went to open the door….a man appearred with a gas can and took my pump. No apology, no explanation…..just a rude [appearring crazy and violent] screaming at me to shut my mouth and let the foreigner break any common American curtesy they want to. He spoke English hardly at all….but he did threaten me in public with no explanation or reason.


      I have a Dodge Charger [looks like police car]…I lied and told him I worked for the police department and would be watching out for him….he ran from the scene like a scared chicken. Appropriate action IMO.