No Matter How Thin You Slice It, It’s Still Amnesty

No Matter How Thin You Slice It, It’s Still Amnesty

“In a recent Wall Street Journal article, [Sen. Rubio] elaborated on his plan for a pathway to citizenship that would screen out criminals, increase worksite enforcement provisions, boost the number of seasonal work visas for agricultural workers and tighten border security. Bob Dane, the communications director of Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform, told WND that Rubio is just recycling old ideas,” Worldnetdaily reports.

“‘There literally is nothing novel to his proposals. Rubio is trying to triangulate all of these competing special interests that want to be at the table,’ he said. ‘It really is just Groundhog Day, it is a sequel of 2007.'”

Boehner Says Immigration Deal Closer

“Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is voicing confidence in the prospects for immigration reform in the House, saying that a bipartisan group of lawmakers ‘basically [has]an agreement’ after more than three years of secret talks. The Speaker made the previously unreported comments during a question-and-answer session on Tuesday at the Ripon Society, a Republican advocacy group,” The Hill reports.

“‘I said it the day after the election. I meant it, and we’re going to have to deal with it,’ Boehner said. ‘I think there’s a bipartisan group of members that have been meeting now for three or four years. Frankly, I think they basically have an agreement. I’ve not seen the agreement. I don’t know all the pitfalls in it, but it’s in my view, the right group of members.'”

Senate Gang of 8 Reportedly Reaches Deal

“A powerful group of senators from both parties has reached a deal on the outlines of a comprehensive immigration overhaul, a development that will drive an emotional debate on a hot-button issue unseen in Washington for more than half a decade. The group is expected to unveil the basics of its proposal at a Monday news conference on Capitol Hill, essentially laying down a marker on the issue one day before President Barack Obama heads to Las Vegas to unveil more details about his own immigration proposal,” Politico reports.

Michelle Malkin: It’s Shamnesty All Over Again

“Hey, did someone set the clock back six years in Washington? Because today looks a hell of a lot like the dawn of the Bush-Kennedy-McCain 2007 illegal alien amnesty. Deja vu all over again,” says Michelle Malkin.

“Starring in the role of John McCain this time around? Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio. Standing in for George W. Bush? Barack H. Obama. The usual liberal Democrat and bend-over Republican suspects serving as the supporting cast? Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, illegal alien intern employer Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and freshman Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake.”

The Amnesty Fight and America’s Future

Congress rarely passes good bills when it comes to immigration. On one side, big corporations want cheap labor, on the other, Democrats want new voters. In the middle, the American population is being squeezed in every way possible. Right now, millions of citizens are out of work and millions of jobs are being held by illegal’s. The argument is always that these people do jobs Americans will not do, but what never gets argued in the mainstream media is that illegal and legal immigration drives down wages,” says Tory Perfetti at Political Thrill.

“The fight is just starting, and will most likely be a brutal one, with opponents of amnesty being called bigots, racists, and every other name in the book. This amnesty bill, if passed, will hurt all citizens regardless of color, ironically, it will actually hurt recent legal Hispanics as well. The question now is what to do next? Well, if you are reading this and feel the threat amnesty and open borders poses, call your Congressmen and, tell them no amnesty ever, or you will vote for whoever their opponent is in the next election.”

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    You said: “So now our government meets in secret, then unveils policy to the public. Isn’t that how it works in oppressive, totalitarian countries?”

    If it was in secret we we would have never learned about it right? yet we did and the decisions were told to us…………………….so NO that is not how it works in oppressive, totalitarian countries…

  2. avatar

    The whole scenario is before it all became U.S.of A., the founding fathers saw it was a good place and a free land to live, work and worship. So they came. With whatever visas, yet unknown. Today, anyone who may be in the U.S. on visa that may have over stayed by any means (but with good behavior for certain length period) should be considered a chance to legalization status especially, ones that has studied. Moreover, let’s not forget that, the’re thousands of people in the U.S. today with great ideas to develop but due to the fact that most are within only the shadows of the public, their lives are passing them by day by day.

    Therefore, something must be done. And The BLESSING which Almighty GOD has bestowed or placed upon this great nation shall continue BLESSING forever and ever. P/S Like Senator John McCain once said: “We are all children of god”.

  3. avatar

    When are you nativists going to realize that we all live in a global economy? Whether we are talking about fruit pickers or engineers, borders and national origin no longer matter. Success is determined by skill, performance and adaptability in the international marketplace. The global forces of supply, demand, and internet scale technologies are too complex for many of you to understand and far too powerful for any of you to fight.
    FAIR and other like-minded groups are vainly trying to hold on to a world that doesn’t exist anymore. You are all doomed to failure unless you adapt to this 21st century paradigm.

    • avatar

      Where Do You Work Globalist?

      I want to know your exact job title and location….if you support insourcing foreigners for half pay as you allege…your job should be the first one replaced by insourced foreign labor, even if you are a CEO.

      Enjoy the unemployment line.

    • avatar

      Globalista, when are you going to realize that the US cannot afford to use its domestic social programs as the welfare office for the entire world? You are doomed to failure as the US turns into a country as poor and economically unequal as the ones that illegal aliens come from. You should remember that the government-provided benefits exist only as long as those of us who actually pay taxes choose to pay them. Mexico, for example, is a wealthy country, but you don’t see it doling out freebies even to its citizens. As you point out, it is a global economy, I’ve worked overseas in good paying jobs, and would have no trouble going elsewhere to live and work, without paying for handouts to the poor “immigrants”.

      And by the way, just how do you figure that unskilled uneducated labor fits into a “21st century paradigm”? Sounds more like a 19th century paradigm to me, one that my immigrant grandparents fought to do away with circa 1900.

    • avatar

      Globalista, you really should read more US history, particularly that of the late 19th and early 20th century. Your “21st century paradigm” is really a return to the days of oppressive corporate trusts behaving in non competitive ways and oppressing the vast majority of Americans who at that time were heavily unskilled and uneducated. My grandparents came here between 1885 and 1903, and worked low skill low wage jobs in factories with unsafe conditions, low wages, and no benefits. It was also the era of corruption scandals in government. Your “21st century paradigm” sounds a lot more like the 19th century, with a real race to the bottom.

      • avatar

        Ali then you should know these illegals are treated like your grandfather was……………….you are the one to learn American History……Globalista has a good point; that is, to strengthen the US with skilled people and goive a chance to the unskilled worthy of keeping.

    • avatar

      Globalista you have the right to your opinion but FAIR and its people are part of the US and therefore no opinion and voice is to be ignored………..I understand well as much or deeper the term globalization and competition and future leadership will be driven by whatever country has access to education, technology, etc, etc BUT there is ONE THING WE HAVE………..ALMOST NOBODY has available to all of it Population…………and it is a real free market and the ability to do what you want, make it a way of life and therefore if lucky become wealthy BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY that nobody nor the GOV micromanages you or sticks his/her nose in your business. Also the rule of law works best here where in most countries that is a problem ans therefore it creates obstacles……….too complex to describe here but you said you understand this.
      Last, there will always be people that know more than you and I BUT the idea is to communicate at the same level and grow from there not to shut off the door………………….Needless to say I agree and I hope I see the reform being a better system than Canada’s EU and Australia. in addition I hope those illegals that were abused and the ones that contributed get a FAIR chance.

  4. avatar

    Its an idea a lot of the right hate the minimum wage but what if very low skilled native born or teenagers could work for less than the minimum and the state supports them. Granted, most Republicans will not like the welfare part but we currently do this for illegal immirgants or guestworkers particulary if they have kids. Also, a worker for that company would have to go to at least the regular minimum by two years. Its a wacky idea and I’m sure people here that are more liberal would oppose the low wage part.

  5. avatar

    If you screen out criminals, will you deport the criminals? I think you wouldn’t. You’ll screen them out and give them amnesty, that’s my concern

    • avatar

      I guess your name speaks by itself……………………who do you think has been mainly deported so far?………crimoinals bubba….

  6. avatar

    The Open Border Cult Speak of a Pathway to Citizenship for the Rich Elite Foreign/Corporate Slavemaster’s Serfs

    Why does that also mean a “pathway to Hades” for a lion’s share of the legal citizens already here?

    To quote AC/DC the open border nuts have put us on a “Highway to Hell”….

  7. avatar

    What you say is true, Glen Beck and company kick California in the butt all the time but Reagan sealed Califs fate by legalizing people with highrer birthrates than the native born, hispanic birthrates are down now but it took 20 years so during the 1990’s and 2000’s hispanics really gain on whites and blacks with birthrates.

  8. avatar

    If you read the details of this proposal by the “gang of 8” senators, it’s the same old wolf in sheep’s clothing. It says businesses can apply for visas for “low skilled” workers if our economy is “creating” jobs. Most months the economy is “creating” jobs but they are rarely enough to keep up with the numbers required just to keep up with population growth, much less make up for our long term jobs deficit.

    Our total number of non farm employed at the start of the year 2000 was 130 million. At present that figure is about 134 million. That is 4 million jobs created in the same time that our population grew by 30 million. Not nearly the numbers they should be. And the unemployment figures for low skilled workers, and young people, are at near Depression levels. This is just another attempt by business to lower wages and pay no benefits while we have masses of unemployed and underemployed American citizens. Technology and outsourcing have reduced our jobs available and our elected representatives continue to sell out their constituents to the interest of business. You cannot complain about the wage differential between the lowest paid worker and those at the top of the company if you continue to support this. It used to average about a factor of 15, now it’s in the hundreds.

    The “guest worker” program for agriculture is also another fraud, because it specifically puts those here now on a fast track for a green card. And when they get that it’s bye bye to agricultural work and on to something else. Which means we start right back where we were. More so called “reform” that will do nothing but perpetuate the problems already existing.

  9. avatar

    I have one word for Michelle Malkin her blog always puts California down and yes both Republicans and Democrats in that state have allowed illegal immigrants to do as they please for 30 years and now the changing demographics have made it mainly a Democratic state but no bad word on Texas. Texas illegal immigrant population grew 64 percent which is high considering in 2000 the state already had a million illegal immigrants. Part of the growth is the boom of the economy and the other part is politicians like Rick Perry giving lip service about being tough on the border but once the illegal immigrants make it in Texas they have a job since the business interest hire them and its not all farmworkers, mainly in construction or service work. Calif 2.8 and Tx 1.8 million illegals.

  10. avatar
    Concerned Citizen on

    So now our government meets in secret, then unveils policy to the public. Isn’t that how it works in oppressive, totalitarian countries?

    Look, I have long been open to the idea of granting guest worker status to many illegal aliens in the country, but only if the interests of the country and the American people are accounted for as a prerequisite. That isn’t happening here. Special interest groups and lobbyists weren’t supposed to sway Washington after Obama’s “change” 2008 election, but again, I don’t see the change. Rubio’s proposal is 2007 all over again.

    Let’s be clear here. People can come here illegally seeking financial gain, then steal identities while they work, often for cash and off-the-books, in menial jobs. Because citizens who share their ethnicity are considered the future of the country by both parties, and because special interests stand to gain in the short term by making money off the cheap labor trade, the end of the road for illegal aliens is…a pathway to citizenship? Since more than 50% of Latinos, in the best of the Bush years, voted Democrat, this is a huge, long-term political shift in the country toward a one-party system, yet the GOP is now eager to please because maybe, just maybe, someone like Rubio can gain the White House once or twice.

    Rubio is no national leader here. If he were, before he embarked on an ambitious, pro-Latino power agenda, he would ask “what about the rest of America?” How are we going to get black males back to work when immigrants and outsourcing, not to mention high incarceration rates for non-violent drug crimes, are making it nearly impossible to find meaningful work for many black men. Unemployment in this demographic of the country is a significant root cause of social problems in urban areas. What about senior citizens and teenagers? And what about white males, who are still considered an “unprotected class” under discrimination laws? Why isn’t Rubio taking up the issue of rampant discrimination raised by Jim Webb in his July 22, 2010 Wall Street Journal op-ed? Since white males are already discriminated against, wouldn’t it be only right to end that discrimination before making them a discriminated against minority in a country with retribution tendencies? Besides these political implications of a mass path to citizenship, what about the impact on resources and the environment? What about the impact on our strained health care delivery system? What about the impact on wages and working conditions? Will the middle class survive the continued assaults against it?

    Rubio addresses none of these concerns, yet behind closed doors, our Party Leaders have made their decision? I wonder how far left the country has to shift before our leaders get concerned about their own safety and property. The United States is not good when it comes to thinking about the long term consequences of actions and that’s painfully evident here.

    • avatar

      Agreed about Rubio…………………….just an opportunist………..regarding the meetings you should think before you write…..if this had been a secret meeting….wouldn’t you think we would have never learnt that it took place and the least of the details and decisions…..!! HAHAHA!!

      I think what you meant you wanted a camera while in the meeting………..that I agree I would have a ball watching this in real time and many congress reps would not be voted again if we were to watch their behaviors and opinions behind doors………………