Dan Stein: Why The Wall Will Save Money

FAIR President Dan Stein appeared on Fox Business News to discuss the financing and utility of building a wall on the southern border.

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Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


  1. avatar

    That is true but the assumption is that your parents were here legally. They entered the USA with a Visa granted to them by our government. Tell me what you think happens to people from other countries who sneak into Mexico?
    Have you ever seen what their prisons are like?

    • avatar

      Plus Mexico is already starting to deport Cubans in Mexico back to Cuba since Obama [correctly for once] changed the policy giving them automatic asylum if they reached US soil. Mexico is another country that enforces their own immigration laws but denies that we have the right to do so.

      • avatar

        Many Americans are illegal in Mexico as well as rumor has it…not in the numbers as in the US…..as per a Mexican guy told me….

        • avatar

          And when they find Americans there illegally they deport them. No appeals no nothing they go.

          • avatar

            No they don’t, they welcome them as we have welcomed them all these years….you live in a bubble….

          • avatar

            You can keep lying like you usually do but Mexico deports more than 2000 Americans per year. Most people leave because they know there is no use trying to stay illegally. They don’t excuse it like we do. Foreigners are also forbidden by the Mexican constitution from expressing any political opinions of any kind are subject to expulsion if they do. No marching in the streets like happens here.

  2. avatar

    The whole things is crazy … we should be helping Mexico to become a Power, then we would have two friends bordering our country and safer. We do a lot of business w/Mexico and anybody with a degree in Economics would understand the any taxi imposed would created a negative impact on us.

    A wall makes no sense and prove thought history, will not work. They will build other tunnels…..best solution a future Mexico that is a power and we will all be better off.

    • avatar

      YOU have got to be kidding me! For over 30 YEARS, at various times, both parties have endorsed the WALL! IT was promised as a condition of the 1986 amnesty! Both parties have dithered. WE have had MORE & MORE illegal aliens coming into this country over the years. , getting MANY forms of welfare, NOT paying taxes, IGNORING OUR laws, refusing to assimilate, getting FREE education, & getting FREE Healthcare. WE are BLEEDING MONEY trying to take care of illegal aliens, while ignoring NEEDY American citizens! MEXICO will NEVER be better off as long their Government remains CORRUPT, their people continue to be ignored by their Government, & Drug/weapons/Human Trafficking cartels TELL the Gov’t WHAT They want, & the Gov’t complies. Mexico’s Government has been CORRUPT for CENTURIES! GET REAL! NOTHING we have done for the last 50 YEARS to help Mexico has turned the tide of this problem…… WE are a sovereign nation. WE are NOT obligated to take in every Impoverished, Poorly educated, Unskilled person in the WORLD into this country, in order that they can LIVE in the “LIFESTYLE in which they’d like to become accustomed”, courtesy of the AMERICAN taxpayers! Per PEW, 1/3 of ALL illegal aliens PAY NO income, social security or Medicare taxes. 51% of ALL illegal aliens are getting some form of WELFARE &/or FREE healthcare. WHY in the name of ALL that’s rational, should WE be rewarding people who VIOLATE OUR LAWS?

      • avatar

        Nancy, you are one of the few who ‘get it’! The President’s first obligation to its people is National Security. Period. Nothing the US has done so far has protected us. Walls do work along with other carefully conceived protections.

      • avatar

        Nancy did you read what I wrote…..keep it up and it will be no different for the future….most illegal work harder than you do despite the fact they are exploited…..

    • avatar
      Shirley Olivas on

      Yes, we could give all the men a gun to protect their families from from drug cartels and give all the women free birth control. The pope needs to accept that over populations is a main threat to Mother Earth!

    • avatar

      Mexico as a power??? Why, so the already corrupt non government can fleece even more money from its people? If mexicans had any cajones they would do with their government what Americans did in the revolution. mexicans would rather tuck their tails between their legs and run away from their problems and dump them on the American tax payers.I have zero respect for illegal aliens and now its time to get these parasites back where they belong. Back in the toilet that is mexico. I could never understand how illegal aliens, who cannot afford toilet paper to wipe their worthless asses, just keep on crapping out bambinos and then are offended that Americans want their sorry asses deported. If they want the southwest of America then they better be willing to die for it.

      • avatar

        JC the good Mexicans have no choice just like the poor people in the US … so if you say so how come our own don’t do that either….the good mexicans are exploited here and work harder than you do in this country as no class citizens……you talk too much but yet what the uS became you contributed hardly anything,,,,,

  3. avatar

    We need to address birthright citizenship. The Supreme Court case of Wong Kim Ark in 1898, which is cited as granting automatic citizenship, is actually a very narrowly based decision. In the concluding summation paragraph of the majority opinion, they specify at the “time of his birth” that his parents “have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are carrying on business there”. In other words, permanent residents, there with the full knowledge and consent of our government, having entered legally.

    There is no misinterpreting that. There is nothing in that language that could possibly be used as support of “birth tourism”, just getting off a plane to have a child and then leave. There is nothing there that can be used to support crossing the border and having a child and that child is a citizen. Any such contention ignores that plain language.

    • avatar

      I saw where Zuckerberg is lecturing Trump to let in refugees to our country. But Zuckerberg lives in very, very expensive Palo Alto, CA and bought up his neighbors’ houses for privacy. None of the impoverished refugees from the Middle East that Zuckerberg wants us to bring in will be living next door to the hypocrite Zuckerberg. No, it will be Americans that can’t afford to live somewhere like Palo Alto who will have to deal with the refugees. What a hypocrite.

      • avatar

        He’s getting blasted for trying to cut off access to Hawaiians who have a traditional claim of access to lands traditionally held by their families. He bought up over 700 hundred acres and built a 6 foot wall around the property. A lot of people say that his security guards have harassed them for walking along the beach which is supposed to be public.

    • avatar

      Not really Leland, based on precedence and exactly that one all born in the US w/foreigner parents are US citizens. That is the way the law works in the US.

      It was decided by the US court and has not been changed since …….before you and I were born.

          • avatar

            You can’t change laws “retroactively” and say they apply to a person or action. You sound like a perfect Hillary Supreme Court nominee.

          • avatar

            That is my point, BTW the Hillary Clinton nominees are people that are more successful you will ever be, just make that clear. My point was is that you have no reasoning nor understand the depth of what our country is and we came from….all bluff……