This Date in Obama’s Administrative Amnesty: June 5, 2012

This Date in Obama's Administrative AmnestyHaving already reviewed pending deportation cases in its backdoor amnesty scheme in New York, Detroit, Seattle, New Orleans, Orlando, Baltimore, and Denver, on June 5, 2012, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attorneys began reviewing more than 18,000 pending deportation cases in San Francisco, California. Under the review, the Administration would “administratively close” pending or incoming cases it does not deem a “priority” for enforcement. The Administration claimed that all it was doing was ensuring it would be better able to remove people convicted of a crime—by ensuring it didn’t remove someone who was “low priority.” In practice, this meant stepping in to stop the already opening deportation proceedings on the basis of “prosecutorial discretion.”

The Administration claimed that its “case-by-case” review of individuals already in removal proceedings would help it to be sure to actually deport dangerous illegal aliens who had committed serious crimes, and thus enhance public safety.  According to Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada), immigration judges would then be able to more swiftly adjudicate the cases of serious criminals. Yet, as this supposedly public safety oriented reviewed continued into 2013, it turned out, the Administration was letting tens of thousands of criminal aliens go. Of the 36,000 already convicted criminal aliens freed from ICE custody in 2013, there were 88,000 criminal convictions, including 193 for homicide, 426 for sexual assault, 303 for kidnapping, 1,075 for aggravated assault, 1,160 for stolen vehicles, 9,187 for dangerous drugs, 16,070 for drunk or drugged driving, and 303 for flight escape.

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Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


  1. avatar

    Open borders. Don’t commit a felony and you can ignore our laws and get rewarded for it. And even the felony part won’t guarantee you get deported. Nancy Pelosi spelled it out: “Our view of the law is that if somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation.”

    It’s really annoying to hear things like “jobs Americans won’t do”. I’ve seen plenty of Americans standing on sidewalks holding signs for businesses, making minimum wage and out in the heat or cold all day. They are not doing that because it’s pleasant work. I’m sure a lot would rather be making 15 dollars an hour at a construction or painting site, but illegals have taken those jobs and driven wages to nothing, and are frequently working under the table. Which makes them the preferred workers for contractors who don’t have to pay the matching social security and unemployment taxes.

    • avatar

      As a reference, Pelosi said that in a Telemundo interview in December 2013. Just like the president’s statement about the “record” deportation numbers being “a little deceptive” was made to Hispanic journalists at the White House in 2011. But the national media never seems to have noticed those statements when they blather on about him being the deporter in chief.