D.C. Police Arrest Illegal Aliens Protesting At Capitol

D.C. Police Arrest Illegal Aliens Protesting At Capitol

“More than 100 women demanding immigration legislation are blocking an intersection outside the U.S. Capitol and police are arresting them . . . Police began handcuffing them and loading them into vans. Organizers said some two dozen of the women are here illegally,” the Washington Post reports.

One of the organizers has an op-ed at CNN explaining why we need more domestic servant visas.

Will More Immigration Help the Economy?

“Foreign-born residents, who now account for one in eight Americans, are boosting job growth, raising home prices and more broadly helping to revive thousands of economically distressed communities, according to a new report by the Americas Society/Council of the Americas and the Partnership for a New American Economy,” CBS News writes.

“The organizations, whose membership consists mostly of business leaders and city mayors, advocate changing the nation’s immigration laws by, among other things, making it easier for high-skilled workers to obtain visas and expanding “guest worker” programs. They are among the bevy of interest groups, from high-tech and agricultural giants to grass-roots advocates, lobbying on [amnesty].”

Tech Industry Still Lobbying for Cheap Labor

“Much of Washington believes a potential military strike and a debt ceiling debacle have swallowed chances this year for immigration reform. Not tech. Silicon Valley and its D.C. representatives still envision that legislation can creep through before momentum fades. Congressional calendars be damned. Tech vows to further hound lawmakers, target districts and partner with outlying groups as the industry tries to wedge its most unifying issue yet back on the agenda,” Politico reports.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to ImmigrationReform.com, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar
    Linda jane Roberts on

    Credo Action should have arranged a permit area for protests on immigration reform and an event of speakers etc.. Immigration Reform is legal for peaceful protests. Credo Action should not have protested in such a way as to lead to arrests.

  2. avatar

    Institute Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers/USA say STEM crisis is a myth.

    “An IEEE Spectrum October feature article feature article declares that the so-called skills gap in STEM fields is, well, fiction. The author notes that, “Every year U.S. schools grant more STEM degrees than there are available jobs. When you factor in H-1B visa holders, existing STEM degree holders, and the like, it’s hard to make a case that there’s a STEM labor shortage.” Even in the IT industry, which employs the most tech workers and is expected to experience the most growth over the next decade, not everyone who wants a job can find one,

  3. avatar

    If you read the comments on the CBS link, no one is buying the baloney. Most all are saying it’s more pro business propaganda for cheap workers while the taxpayers pick up all the other costs. The public may be catching on.