The Republican Establishment’s New Talking Point: “De Facto Amnesty”

It is clear that someone in the Republican hierarchy has decided that calling the failure of the federal government to secure the border and enforce current immigration law “de facto amnesty” will convince Americans that the Gang of Eight atrocity is the only alternative. This is pure duplicity. These Republicans are decrying de facto amnesty while giving their full support to de jure amnesty.

The answer to our “broken immigration system” is not amnesty. The answer is a Congress that does its constitutional duty in ensuring that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

Too bad Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Kelly Ayotte, Lamar Alexander, and Paul Ryan are members of Congress who are more concerned with parroting the Party line than they are about upholding their oath of office.

“Our current immigration system is a disaster. What we have now is de facto amnesty.” U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida)

“[T]he status quo isn’t working – it’s de facto amnesty.” U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)

“Millions here illegally have de facto amnesty.” U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)

“I’ve got a news flash for those who want to call people names on amnesty. What we have now is de facto amnesty.” U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky)

“What we have right now is de facto amnesty – meaning there are currently 11 million immigrants living undocumented and without legal status in the United States.” U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin)

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  1. avatar
    Percy Mervyn on

    What we have is de facto represenatives. What a shame that these wonderful individuals have not read the latest unemployment data or the BLS report that stated wages for non farm workers fell at the highest rate in recorded history in the first quarter. It makes me think they only care about how much campaign money they can raise.

  2. avatar

    Keep phoning your Congressional delegations and other politicians; it does make a difference. They may not really give a damn about what we think, but most of them want to be re-elected. If they get enough calls on an issue, it can influence how they vote. It only takes a couple minutes to call and say you’re opposed to the Senate immigration bill – S.744. The Senate switchboard number is: 888-978-3094 and the House switchboard is: 888-978-3065. When the operator answers ask her or him to connect you with the office of your Senator or Representative.

    The House doesn’t have a bill yet, but they’re working on it. From all indications it’s slightly better than the Senate bill, but it still would allow millions of foreign workers to take jobs here.

  3. avatar

    Any amnesty bill regardless of whats in it would be a mistake. It makes citizens of other countries think they can enter the USA illegally without consequences. It’s also a slap in the face of the millions of people trying to gain citizenship here by legal means. For these reasons I hope the Bill is defeated.

  4. avatar
    sherri palmer on

    these illegals have taken over our country, our politicians and we have become slaves to them, working to support them, go to and then type in FL foodstamp program click on the woman in the red shirt…it tells you all of the subsidies that she gets for being an illegal single mother of 7: govt subsidised housing, soc security, food stamps, medications, health care, foodstamps, electricity subsidy, etc and we are suppose to feel sorry for her because the foodstamp allotment begins to run out 3 weeks into the month before she gets more foodstamps…

  5. avatar

    Who makes our laws??? Who took the Oath to Preserve our Laws?? Who did we ‘vote’ for to REPRESENT ‘WE THE PEOPLE’???? I am compassionate for those who were not born here in America that want to be part of this Great Nation however we have laws for that tooo…come in the FRONT DOOR and we welcome you. COME IN THE BACK DOOR AND YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES need to be shipped out!!!! I have a relative hit by a car over a decade ago that is nearly in a vegetative state…the car was driven by an illegal from Mexico. After all these years the emotional, financial burdens are horrific and unspeakable. The driver???? Oh he went back to Mexico to hide and about a year later he was back living a great life, ILLEGALLY with no consequences, earning money to bring more!!!! Where is the justice? Where are the minds of our ‘elected’ officials?

  6. avatar

    Who makes our laws??? Who took the Oath to Preserve our Laws?? Who did we ‘vote’ for to REPRESENT ‘WE THE PEOPLE’???? I am so sick of our so-called elected officials not listening to the will of the people!!! But more than that I am so sick of them not obeying the Oath they all swore to uphold!!!
    I am compassionate for those who were not born here in America that want to be part of this Great Nation however we have laws for that tooo…come in the FRONT DOOR and we welcome you. COME IN THE BACK DOOR AND YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES need to be shipped out!!!! I have a relative hit by a car over a decade ago that is nearly in a vegetative state…the car was driven by an illegal from Mexico. After all these years the emotional, financial burdens are horrific and unspeakable. The driver???? Oh he went back to Mexico to hide and about a year later he was back living a great life, ILLEGALLY with no consequences, earning money to bring more!!!! Where is the justice? Where are the minds of our ‘elected’ officials?

  7. avatar
    Gregory Brittain on

    No contributions to the Rep party or any Reps not firmly, publically and unequivalently opposed to amnesty.

    Hit them where it hurts.

  8. avatar
    penny forsberg on

    Alot of the big corporations are pushing for amnesty simply because it saves them millions. They pay them less money per hour and work them less hours. This then “entitles” these people for medicaid,food stamps ect ect. These illegals may only make minium wage,but by the time you add in all the benefits they are making more than citizens. I believe the number was somewhere around $37.50 per hour.They also know that if they keep having more kids it keeps them on the welfare books.

  9. avatar

    the Republican party is hopelessly corrupt, the only thing that will stop this is a grass roots rebellion

  10. avatar

    It seems that my biggest fear is on the verge of happening-the total sellout of our country,by the people we have elected to safeguard it.It is becoming clear that the people controling the democratic party have also gained control of the leadership of the republican party.They have pretty much succeded in turning God out of our country so we cant depend on him to save us.We seem doomed unless we wake up and do something about it.

  11. avatar

    The “Immigration reform” bill is de jure amnesty, whether or a not people are willing to call it amnesty. We have de facto amnesty in so many places: drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants, ID cards for illegal immigrants, prohibition of police from ascertaining peoples’ immigration status in the normal course of performing their duties.

    Then there’s the really big one: automatic citizenship for children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants aren’t stupid. They know that, regardless of talk of laws, the surest way to stay here is to father or bear a child. Not only that, when the child becomes 18 or 21, he/she can sponsor other family members for entry, like elderly family members, for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I have serious medical conditions and, many times, in a hospital, have heard elderly people speaking only Chinese or Spanish, accompanied by younger people demanding their “rights” in English.

  12. Pingback: 39 Amnesty Related Stories 06.13.13 | remember1986

  13. avatar

    In characterizing the situation with a catch-phrase of “De Facto Amnesty”, what these people(Politicians, business and special interests et al) are trying to engender is, that we have no choice but to legalize the undocumented.

    By including the use of the word “Amnesty”, it’s an attempt to not only take away it’s sting, but also give the impression that since there already is some sort of “Amnesty”, it’s just a simple matter of putting it in writing. Their argument would be ‘Look, we didn’t physically bring them across the border, so our hands are clean. However, since we’re at this point, why not just push this across the finish line.’

    Although not an admission, the coinage of “De Facto Amnesty” speaks more to the failure and unwillingness of the Federal government to enforce immigration law in the past, present or future.

  14. avatar
    cynthia curran on

    oo bad Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Kelly Ayotte, Lamar Alexander, and Paul Ryan are members of Congress who are more concerned with parroting the Party line than they are about upholding their oath of office.
    “Our current immigration system is a disaster. What we have now is de facto amnesty.” U.S. Sen. Marco

    I read that in the state of Texas many Republican politicians own their career to Karl Rove. This is my take. The group above supports legalization outright while another group is opposed but really wants the guest worker thing.