Cheap Labor Front Groups Attempt to Hijack “Conservative Agenda” on Immigration

A well-financed coalition of cheap labor interest groups is trying to persuade the GOP to cave on amnesty for illegal aliens. This coalition of libertarian and business front groups is simultaneously attacking supporters of immigration enforcement, and attempting to make a case that pandering to the illegal alien and business lobbies is the Republican Party’s only hope for political survival.

The cheap labor coalition’s strategy is to package their plan as the “conservative agenda” for immigration reform. In reality, it is a radical agenda for the demise of the American middle class. To achieve this, they are prepared to engage in ad hominem attacks against anyone whom they perceive to be standing in their way.

The libertarian/cheap labor agenda for immigration reform would ultimately lead to lower wages for many American workers, greater burdens on government services, higher taxes for those who continue to earn enough money to pay taxes, and no end to illegal immigration.

  • Amnesty would allow current illegal aliens to compete for virtually all U.S. jobs, not just those offered by employers prepared to break the law.
  • Expanded guest worker programs would allow business interests even greater latitude to bypass American workers, or force American workers to accept lower wages.
  • Expanded employment-based immigration, without elimination of family chain migration policies, would further undermine job opportunities and wages for American workers.
  • Amnesty would result in higher taxes, not lower taxes. A new estimate by Republican staff members on the Senate Budget Committee estimates that amnesty would increase the already staggering cost of Obamacare by as much as $300 billion over the next decade.
  • Libertarian/cheap labor interests oppose meaningful employment verification. Even if it were included in an amnesty and guest worker bill, they would work to impede or delay implementation of a universal work eligibility system as they have done in the past.
  • Even under their best case scenario, mass amnesty would result in less than a 1 percent increase in GDP. But that extremely modest growth in GDP (if it were to occur) would further exacerbate the hollowing out of the American middle class.

In an effort to promote their own narrow agenda, the libertarian/cheap labor lobby is falsely arguing that opposition to mass amnesty and increases in immigration is the single greatest impediment to Hispanics voting for Republicans. All polling of Hispanic voters indicates that jobs and the economy are the critical issues that drive Hispanic voters and that immigration ranks far down on their list of concerns. Republican support for the libertarian/cheap labor lobby’s agenda on immigration would do nothing to attract Hispanic voters to the party.

Absent any compelling arguments to justify their immigration agenda, the libertarian/cheap labor lobby is employing the age-old tactic of attacking and smearing those who have effectively rebutted their arguments. Advocates for true immigration reform and immigration enforcement have only one agenda: Protecting the interests of American workers and taxpayers, and ensuring that future generations of Americans can enjoy the prosperity we have taken for granted.

About Author


Ira joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant to Gov. Richard Lamm (Colorado), and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.


  1. avatar

    No amnesty, 12 million is’nt enought?We know Obama wants to do away with the Border Patrol, And open the country for every one.If we ever get thur this ADMIN, I hope we live to tell about it.

  2. avatar

    Why do foreign special interest groups hold such powerful sway over our politicians. There must be large amounts of foreign money donated to our candidates. I recall Bill Clinton got in trouble with whatzhisnsme – John Yee? I know Obama received a $40 donation from his illegal alien aunt, and when it was discovered, he had to return the money. Can you imagine if you robbed a bank, and the only penalty if you were caught, is to return the money. If that were the case, everybody would rob banks. I guess that is the case with campaign contributions, thus the money if flowing in from abroad like water.

    Foreign nationals are forbidden by law from contributing to US campaigns, but what is the penalty for the giver? And what is the pnalty for the receiver? I have the sinking feeling that there is no penalty.

  3. avatar

    “Libertarian/cheap labor interests oppose meaningful employment verification. Even if it were included in an amnesty and guest worker bill, they would work to impede or delay implementation of a universal work eligibility system”

    They will just tell the politicians they own to kill it. The groundwork for the excuse to kill it will be a massive PR campaign which the open border media will pick up.

  4. avatar

    Two main laws that can at least scratch the service of illegal alien payments is mandatory THE LEGAL WORKFORCE and E-Verify Bill, that can reverse illegal aliens getting jobs by using the federal computer detection program, that could become mandatory for all workers and prosecution for tough business owners The essential law would be a simple amendment to end the contentious BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP BILL, so only children of a U.S. citizen could claim citizenship. So no more smuggled unborn or infants as associated with the Anchor Baby, would be able to gain citizen advantage to collect hundreds of billions of dollars in entitlement programs. However, without the blast of angry voice of the people, these policies sit in dormant, dusty filing cabinets in Washington. Research this information by checking out Judicial Watch, TEA PARTY.ORG and NumbersUSA and learn how the Liberal Democrats are splitting the country to forward their agenda.
    Republlicans are also to blame not all Tea Party mebmers support e=verify some think that business should not faced an extre regulation because of their libertarian philosphy. Tea Party needs to bring away from the undergroun ecooomy approach of the libertarians and suppor e-eviery not jsut border control and oppostion to legalization but workplace controls..,

  5. avatar

    The problem of illegal immigration in America, is America is being allowed to be run by illegal aliens and all their sorry advocates, and they are not going to stop, until our politicians help them shove illegal immigration down Americans throats, and they do not care how they do it, and they like the idea of this over population that taken place in America, now it is a big Hush! Hush! about how illegal aliens are trying to take American back, they are” and they are doing it sneakily. No one one want to stop our American birthright to them, this is very well helping them over populate them selves, and help their children to become instant American citizens, This needs to be stop it is stupid. this massive illegal immigration in America needs to stop period, it is in the way of American to succeed in their own country. A amnesty or any kind of legalization of 11 million or more illegal immigration will not solve the problem of illegal immigration, it will only hurt America and it citizens!!!!

  6. avatar
    Steve Paramore on

    No amnesty, no way…no how. Any way it is looked at, it is a reward for being a criminal. We are supposed to PAY fines for criminal violations, NOT BE PAID for committing crimes.

    It is just wrong any way it is looked at……it will decimate the economy and the working, middle-class of America.

  7. Pingback: One Old Vet 46 Amnesty Related Stories 02.07.13 - One Old Vet

  8. avatar

    None of the politicians or the preponderance of them show no sympathy for the 23 Americans either completely jobless, destitute, or the part time employees or those who have given up hope of finding work? All they seem interested in is highly skilled workers or the agricultural Guest worker. As I have always said, much of this illegal immigration to the United States would never have happened, if illegal entry was enacted as a Felony? That the genuine 2006 secure double layer fence law had been in place and adequately funded? That the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act (ICRA) had strictly been enforced, instead of the questionable move by big corporations and all businesses to gain the upper hand by buying of lawmakers, so interior enforcement was next to nothing. So over these 3 decades the unconcerned legislators have turned a blind eye to the millions who crossed the poorly, undermanned borders, or never tracked the 46 percent airline passenger overstays who joined the illegal immigration invaders. The original 1986, 3 million who gained citizenship has broadened; bringing in family members through family unification migration, which has led to President Obama’s Dream Act for years of conceiving children on the taxpayer’s dime. If you are disposed to believe the 11 million illegal alien populations that is already settled here, or as most people have illustrated well over 20 million that seems more plausible as far as I’m concerned? To me that just prove to me that there has been no inclination to stop those who could reach our border, because miles of open areas still remain?

    Certain skilled workers who benefit America, is an advantage in this global market. And even a well regulated system to contract AGworkers, who are here strictly on a temporary basis? But non skilled labor, which has an overall advantage on millions of low income Americans, should not be tolerated without exception. If employers paid fair wages, most citizens and legal green card holders would be able to find a job, except the deadbeats that that have used the welfare system to support them. However President Obama and his czars have decided that the future of the Liberal Progressives, depend on generations of illegal migrants and immigrants as new citizens to vote them into Congress for years to come? This plan doesn’t just effect Republicans, but every citizen and all other legal nationalities, skin color and every class of worker. Not too many Americans see any advantage to a path to citizenship, because substantial amounts of money will be needed for retirement and pensions, no to exclude the processing cost. Both parties have already signed onto illegal aliens receiving Social Security, but where is the money coming from? Same with this child rebate tax controversy, which the IRS has ignored even though the estimate going to illegal aliens is now 7 Billion dollars.

    Two main laws that can at least scratch the service of illegal alien payments is mandatory THE LEGAL WORKFORCE and E-Verify Bill, that can reverse illegal aliens getting jobs by using the federal computer detection program, that could become mandatory for all workers and prosecution for tough business owners The essential law would be a simple amendment to end the contentious BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP BILL, so only children of a U.S. citizen could claim citizenship. So no more smuggled unborn or infants as associated with the Anchor Baby, would be able to gain citizen advantage to collect hundreds of billions of dollars in entitlement programs. However, without the blast of angry voice of the people, these policies sit in dormant, dusty filing cabinets in Washington. Research this information by checking out Judicial Watch, TEA PARTY.ORG and NumbersUSA and learn how the Liberal Democrats are splitting the country to forward their agenda.

    Incidentally, I heard today that the term Illegal Immigrant is politically incorrect by Democrat Rep. John Conyers Well—Sorry an illegal alien is the correct terminology, because only people who are inspected, have a visa or permission to enter a port of entry are legal immigrants? Just like the honest immigrant that awaits in faraway places to gain admittance is a legal immigrant.

    In concluding, Los Angeles County (just one county) spends over $1.Billion dollars annually in financing illegal alien welfare, states city administrator Michael D. Andronovich.

    • avatar

      The BLS U6 Unmployment Rate Today is Alleged at 14%

      But I agree with you 20-25% unemployment is about right throwing in the giveups we stopped counting, compares historically to the 25% Great Depression joblessness figure which included the severely underemployed and giveups too.

      Who are we kidding anyway?

    • avatar

      You said it all! No amnesty! Strong E-verify, leave no room for employers who do not enforce the law! It is time to put our citizens to work and once again own our country!

  9. avatar

    It’s all about cheap labor for business. Go check out the words of Samuel Gompers, himself an immigrant from England and the founder of the American Federation of Labor. He said directly that mass immigration was a deliberate plan by corporations to have a never ending supply of labor to undercut the power of unions. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Look at the last three decades, mass immigration, legal and illegal, way up from the previous decades. Then look at the working class share of the economy the last three decades. Getting smaller and smaller.

    And the people who should oppose this, the young people, blacks, working class, progressives, anti corporation liberals, they all cheer on this mass immigration. And then complain about cuts in entitlement programs, which this so called reform will make worse.
    The problem is the illegal immirgants are mainly Hispanic which is a mxture of Indian and European and the next largest group is asian , so liberals don’t want to be called racists and some Liberals wants us to pay for the sins of trade agreements like NAFTA which is stupid now since more of our agriculture products are now being imported from MExico so more agri jobs are available there but probably the Mexican doesn’t want to pick fruits in his country so he sneaks to the US and Mexican farmwork is done by Central Americans.

  10. avatar

    It’s all about cheap labor for business. Go check out the words of Samuel Gompers, himself an immigrant from England and the founder of the American Federation of Labor. He said directly that mass immigration was a deliberate plan by corporations to have a never ending supply of labor to undercut the power of unions. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Look at the last three decades, mass immigration, legal and illegal, way up from the previous decades. Then look at the working class share of the economy the last three decades. Getting smaller and smaller.

    And the people who should oppose this, the young people, blacks, working class, progressives, anti corporation liberals, they all cheer on this mass immigration. And then complain about cuts in entitlement programs, which this so called reform will make worse.

  11. avatar

    I thoughr of a groups not mention-Landords if let’s Los Angeles lsot 2 million to enforcement illegal immirgants and their offspring and Orange County lost 400,000 to 5,00,000 then LA and Santa Ana and Anaheiim would look like ghost towns that’s what we are up against the mentality of the OC Reigster a dumbed liibertarian and liberal rag.,

  12. avatar

    Immigration Reform

    Or amnesty is a total joke.

    Insourcing the world’s poor is even worse than outsourcing….at least outsourcing is considerred evil by even some open border Democrats.