Tancredo – Time to End the Diversity Lottery

Rep. Tom Tancredo has a good op-ed with a reminder of why small provisions of the immigration law with give-aways are sometimes the hardest to eliminate. Recently, the House failed to pass a measure that would have eliminated the diversity lottery in favor of a program for post-graduate foreign students.

High Majority of Ohio Voters Say Immigration Issue Important in Election

In a voter survey by the Washington Post, 20 percent of voters in Ohio who were surveyed said immigration was extremely important in the election, and another 31 percent said it was very important.

Legal Workers Move to Alabama After Law Takes Effect

“Esene Manga, an Eritrean refugee living in Atlanta, hadn’t heard of Albertville, Alabama until a recruiter offered him a job there. Now Manga, 22, earns $10.85 an hour cutting chicken breasts on a poultry-plant night shift, an unexpected beneficiary of a year-old law designed to drive out illegal Hispanic immigrants,” BusinessWeek reports.

“This isn’t what the law’s backers said would happen. Republican state Senator Scott Beason, a sponsor, said at a news conference last year that the restrictions on undocumented workers would ‘put thousands of native Alabamians back in the work force’ [. . .] Plants sought refugees because too few local residents were interested or qualified, said Frank Singleton, a spokesman for Wayne Farms, based in Oakwood, Georgia.”

Democrats’ Pre-Emptive Excuse for Low Hispanic Turnout Takes Shape

“Leaders of the U.S. immigrant community said they are concerned about the possible demobilization of the Latino vote in the November election. ‘If you don’t go vote, use your voice in the democracy, it means that you have lost hope and are voluntarily giving up your political power,’ Joshua Hoyt, co-president of the National Partnership for New Americans, told Efe on Monday.
Hoyt is among some 800 experts, activists and community leaders gathering in Baltimore this week for the National Immigrant Integration Conference 2012.”

Tancredo – Time to End the Diversity Lottery

“Currently, America accepts over one million permanent legal immigrants and nearly as many temporary workers each year. Most of these immigrants are not selected based upon their skills or what they will contribute to this country, but through the process of family reunification. I suspect that many who claim that immigration is complicated do so because they know that if the issue were to presented to the American people with simple facts, they would demand that immigration be reprioritized and reduced,” says former Rep. Tom Tancredo in an op-ed.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to ImmigrationReform.com, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    Tancredo has it right. If people want to immigrate to the country they should ALL do it at the same time. No further admissions should be made ‘after the fact’. As well, the total number of work permits should be severely reduced to bring those on welfare back into the employment picture. The can be trained to perform these jobs ‘that no one wants’ and thus reduce their dependency on taxpayer handouts. Relocation to where the jobs are can be made, with refusal to do so a cause from removal from welfare.
    The problem is NOT people “refusing” to do the work or be “unqualified” (What in the world would disqualify a person from working on a chicken processing line other than being armless or such?), they are simply not in the place where those jobs are. Relocation is the answer.
    Since we are over-populated for the jobs availability, immigration should be curtailed greatly and work permits stopped entirely UNTIL the unemployment numbers are at a level that shows that people who WANT work ARE working.

    • avatar

      I agree with you to a point, Evan, but I think part of the problem is with employers like those running the processing plant. Instead of paying living wages and giving benefits, companies like this are used to paying ridiculously low wages and cutting benefits to increase profits, which ultimately ends up in the pockets of the owners, and a few top level managers. Business needs to reduce its dependency on foreign workers . Instead of thinking only in terms of greed and selfishness, business needs to start thinking about the fate of our nation. I suggest they begin by treating our workers fairly.